N Hewitt

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since May 31, 2024
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Hi there,

My mom and I recently rescued two dogs, one of which was pregnant and gave birth to puppies. Unfortunately, we didn’t find chihuahuas, and soon enough we are going to need more space for them all. We don’t have the heart to separate them and give them away. A few years ago the same thing happened with a stray cat we found, so we have quite a few cats too.

My mom spent a few years on a farm when she was younger and both of us have grown up caring for horses, gardens, and nature. I have experience working with power tools and building as well as having managed many projects and businesses. While I have a beginners knowledge of permaculture, it very much aligns with what we believe in and how we try to live. (My mom cries whenever she sees trees being cut down. We are vegetarians/vegan when possible.) We can provide animal care, property care/ restoration, farm and garden maintenance and care, repairs, etc.

I’m used to physically laborious jobs and can put hours/ days into what needs to be done. We do not drink or do drugs. We respect, value, and find peace in nature.

Since we don’t have an RV, having access to a guest house would be our best bet, but beyond that we are not picky. The location within California is also something we can work with, so NorCal or SoCal, middle cal, we would be interested. We just want to be able to keep our dogs, contribute to something positive by helping someone, and be in peace.

Some other ways we could contribute would include;

Cooking/ meal prep
Social media management (if you’d like to grow a farm related business, expand awareness of an unrelated business, to gain a following for your animal rescue, etc.)
Ordering and inventory management
Rehabilitating weak or ill animals

Thank you in advance, any and all questions are welcome, I’d be happy to provide more info as needed.
6 months ago