Jonathan Landon

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since Jul 04, 2024
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Nicole Alderman wrote:Please share any bumps in the road you've encountered while signing up. Thank you!

I signed up using an Android phone. On the sign up form, the input fields for first and last name did not appear the first time the form loaded. I filled in the other fields and clicked the submit button. The algorithm rejected the input, with the message that first name and last name are mandatory, but the page still didn't show those fields.

I reloaded the page, and the fields appeared. Then I filled them in and the input was accepted.

For the troubleshooters: hardware=Samsung Galaxy 22+; One UO version 6.1; OS=Android 14; Current version=SQ906USQS5EXE3;  last update 26 Jun 2024; Security patch=1 Jun 2024; browser=Chrome version 126.0.6478.122
The bacteria in question is botulism, not e. coli. Botulism is in ALL of our food, but it isn't dangerous until you put it in an oxygen-restricted environment such as a canning jar.

You are correct that boiling water will not kill botulism, which is why you should only water-bath acidic foods, such as fruits and pickles (below 4.2 pH). I don't think acid kills botulism but it keeps it dormant so it doesn't pump out toxins.

Yes, you can pickle meats and water-bath them. However, you must either find a lab-tested recipe or experiment with a food-grade pH tester to figure out how to achieve a safe pH. Remember that liquid cooking out of the meat will dilute your vinegar's acidity.

The usual brine base for vegetable pickles is equal parts vinegar (at least 5% acidity) and water. You must check the label to verify the acidity of the vinegar ... not all vinegars are that strong.
8 months ago