George William

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since Sep 16, 2024
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Hey! I’m a civil engineer by trade, but my real passion is producing food and permaculture. I’m currently living in Waukesha, WI on a small suburban lot, but one day I’d like to own land and create a homestead. While in waiting, I converted my back yard into a garden and food forest and have been learning as much as I can. June of 2024 I got to take my PDC with Bill Wilson of Midwest Permaculture. Awesome experience!! Looking to meet more Midwest permies and connect!
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Recent posts by George William

Spud Infinity by Big Thief is my favorite potato song!
2 months ago
Ok here's my plan to create a covert urban orchard. I have used my city's GIS to locate all of the flowering crabapples in town. I will start close to my house and graft onto a few of the branches using apple scion wood from my own tree pruning. I figure it will be easier to use the existing trees and graft rather than attempt to plant new trees and hope they don't get mowed over or eaten by animals.  If the city employees find out about them, they'll probably get chopped off. I'm ok with that, I just need to use the trees that they won't find. I can use brown elastic that will more or less camouflage the graft union. If I use a bright neon-colored elastic, it'll be easy to spot and likely removed.

I'd probably feel bad about doing this if I were to just abandon the grafts and let the apples fall and make a mess. But as long as I keep the trees close to my house, I'll be able to take care of any pest management and harvesting just as I do for my own trees. I think of it as an extension of my own backyard orchard.

The dream is to one day be able to harvest enough fruit to provide to the local food bank or a homeless shelter.
2 months ago
Hey Trace. I’ve been reading your posts from this summer and it’s really incredible. You’re doing great work. I’m also a younger permaculture enthusiast and I’m curious if you have any advice on getting community gardens off the ground. I’m in an urban environment and while there is a community garden in town, there’s A LOT of room for growth. So I’m thinking of different ways of getting access to land and resources to create more food production and community in my city as you appear to be doing. Hope to hear back! Again, keep up the inspiring work!
2 months ago
I bought the parts for my drip irrigation system. Good investment but felt like a splurge!
2 months ago
Evercrisp and crimson crisp are my favs. My favorite red heirloom variety is Esopus Spitzenburg. Ya I like starchy apples, fight me
2 months ago
Thanks for the reassurance Douglas. I will continue researching
3 months ago
Hi! So I have about a 150sq ft area in front of my house that I’d like to begin planting with a couple fruit trees (probably plum) and eventually plant a food forest. One problem I’m thinking about is that my sewer lateral runs directly beneath the area I’d like to plant. My guess is it’s about 6-8’ deep. The lateral is likely an old clay or concrete pipe and I’m worried about tree roots getting into it. Am I being overly cautious? Does anyone have recommendations for perrenial plants (ideally some fruiting) that have shorter root systems?

Thank you!!!
3 months ago
Hello fellow cheesehead permies! Does anyone have a favorite nursery in southern Wisco they recommend for perennial fruit trees and shrubs? I’m looking to plant some stone fruit trees (already have apple) and create guilds around them. I’d prefer to buy local than online. Thanks!
3 months ago
25yo here! I like this idea. Maybe even a meet up or something down the line would be fun. Where are you from?
3 months ago