Amber Taylor

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since Jan 21, 2025
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John F Dean wrote:Hi Amber,

Welcome to Permies!  I tend to agree with Christopher.  To add to his caution, I would check the lids after the jars have cooled and maybe a week or two later.  Though not often, I have found lids sitting on jars that had previously been sealed. As a matter of routine, I check the kids of all jars before I open them.

Thank you yes I’ll check in a few weeks just to double check them and I check seals before I open jars every time as well. Thank you for the input it is much appreciated!
1 month ago

Christopher Weeks wrote:I think the primary harm with using too much water is that you have to heat all that mass which costs more energy. And I think the secondary risk is: if you had enough water infiltrate a jar, it could eliminate the head-space and cause your food-stuff to exit, which leaves a trace at the rim between the glass and the sealing lid, which increases the chance of a failed seal. In your position, I would just be sure to test the seals before opening to make sure they're not compromised.

Awesome thank you, I will definitely check the seals before opening. I have been checking all seals before opening!
1 month ago
Hey I'm a newbie! I've done a bunch of water bath canning and scored a pressure canner at a thrift store about a week ago. I was very excited and tested it out with some ground beef and chicken, I did my research and did the correct pounds and time for my altitude, but I apparently did not do enough research because I just watched a TikTok and she was talking about her pressure canner manual telling her to only put about 2 quarts of water in and making sure that the water doesnt go above the neck of the jars. Now I did not have a manual because I bought it at a thrift store but I did find it online so I have the info moving forward.

Now my question, I canned the ground beef and chicken with water over the lids of the jar like I would if I was water bath canning something, Is this still safe to eat?

The seals are fine I did not notice any extra water in the jar and I did not notice any broth leaving the jar or discolored water in the canner after everything. It all seemed to come out fine, but I can not seem to find an answer for if the food is still safe when I google it only about why the water level is what it is. I assume the food would still be safe as the seal is fine and there is no noticeable difference but I would rather be safe then sorry, so thank you for any help provided.

Also if anyone is curious (cause I know I would be) I found a Presto 23qt pressure canner for $20, it didn't have the weight but i found one for $6 on amazon so $26 and it is in great shape!

Thanks for the help!
1 month ago