How devastating. I cannot imagine the horror of such a fire, such a loss. I’m sorry you had to experience that. Was it electrical? Or do you know?
A bottle baby will be fine in your house until the weather warms enough for her to transition outside. She will bond to you and she will think she’s human. To let her know she is a goat, take her outside for time with the boys any day that it is warm enough. A little lamb-type coat may be helpful for her first visits. Keep an eye on the boys, especially if they are not used to kids, during those initial visits.
If you are able to get a second bottle doeling, it would be advisable. Then they can have a peer group and playmates. And bottle feeding 2 on the same schedule is only slightly more time consuming- and not at all more time consuming if you transition them to a small
bucket feeder.
Hopefully the breeder from whom you are getting her made sure she got colostrum right away (almost all do, but ask).
The good thing about bottle kids, in my experience, is that they are easier to train for milking later on. Indeed, if she is to be a milker, go ahead and introduce her to the stand and such in her early weeks, and handle her all over. She will be a dream milker for you, one day (If that is what you do with them).