I'm reclaiming open brambles and edge woodland from Japanese honeysuckle. My intention is not to eliminate it, as it's May bloom scent is ecstatic. But I've found that it is discouraged by several techniques.
It hates being mowed.
Pulling it out by it's shallow
roots discourages it. This practice can almost be recreational in some moods. And then mulch heavily. Left on the ground, the cut and yanked pieces don't try to re-root, but expire quickly.
Along the edge of the woods, it swarms up the
trees and smothers them. I take hand clippers to the trunk area and clip clip clip all the way through and down to the soil. Clipping that close discourages re-growth.
Now, I've noticed when working in the blackberries and clipping honeysuckle in the growing season, the aerial stems can grow a foot or more overnight. My attack season is late winter, especially in the brambles. Foot access and visibility are better. Honeysuckle leafs out very early.