HEY NOW! We 'squirrels' need to eat too!
You can bleed off heat under the gravel if you do not insulate between the gravel and the earth.
Unless you have a pretty thick layer of gravel.
Heating gravel has many benefits.
Just like floor heating in your home, you will get more even heat and less drafts.
Wet gravel is more efficient except for the higher humidity.
Too bad you couldn't place a storage barrel in each corner and pipe the heated water from outside through the gravel first then into the barrels.
Even if those barrels were merely 5 gallon water jugs. Every bit helps.
Many plants benefit from warm soil.
This is why they
sell heating pads for plants.
Insulating the greenhouse would be very beneficial.
But what about summertime? You can cook your plants if not careful.
There are ways to dissuade squirrels from your garden.
I read that they do not like the smell of
coffee grounds. They also do not like cats.
Or, if legal where you live, you could live trap them and relocate them.
Flower bulbs: sprinkle talcum powder on the bulb after you toss it in the hole. Squirrels won't bother it then.
Edit: fix typo