Hi Scott, nice website and beautiful products! I'm knot a knitter so I don't have any product suggestions.
Regarding the website, I'm not sure if this is a common thought, but I don't like sites that require a bunch of scrolling to figure out what they are doing or selling. Maybe it's a compromise to work with mobile views or the kids these days...
For me, the top of the page is good, the initial ram head picture is pretty but kind of big. All the photography is awesome by the way.
If I were redesigning it from scratch (you're not and I'm not a web developer), I'd:
Keep the top line as is and add a spot for "See all Maker37 products". That could take you to the same place as when you hit the Shop button on the ram picture.
Then the only other thing on the page would be an origin story or what the company is all about. At the bottom could be the contact us, we're hiring, wanna
sell stuff through us, etc buttons.
So when you
land on the site, everything is on your monitor. One click to shop for everything or use the drop downs to get to a specific item faster.
Just my two cents. Good luck!