How to Grow All Your Own Produce in 2.5 Years: A (r)Evolution Disguised As Organic
Presentation by Marisha Auerbach
Friday, March 16, 6 pm – 8 pm
King County Library Service Center
960 Newport Way NW, Issaquah, WA
In the Maritime Northwest, it is possible to grow all our own produce year-round with limited time to establish a system and limited effort. As
petroleum becomes more expensive, this sort of system can provide an example to support our evolution to a more
sustainable society. Marisha Auerbach specializes in converting properties from grass to to a
perennial forage system. A perennial forage system functions much like a natural ecological system, and yields year round produce with minimal work. These systems are developed to meet the needs of the inhabitants on site. Marisha provides most of her diet and income from her garden and has surplus produce and crafts to give away and trade for other supplies.
This presentation is an invitation for you to visit Marisha's gardens through slides and lecture. She will be discussing how you can work towards self-reliance in produce if you have property to work with as well as guerrilla tactics to grow more food and flowers in the greater community. This lecture offers an opportunity to create cultural change through
This slideshow will be an updated version, including Marisha's
experience and reflections on moving to Portland this year in mid-June and her tiny
yard. We hope you can join us...
This presentation is sponsored by Sustainable Issaquah and the
City of Issaquah Resource Conservation Office
Marisha is also teaching an 8-hour
permaculture class with hands-on in Issaquah on the day following this event. For registration or more information, visit