While breeds have trends, each bird is unique. I have birds starting to lay right now (December) at various ages. I'm pleasantly surprised by that, because indeed I've had pullets go "hm... nope... just gonna wait til spring to start that routine". And some of my pullets are laying quite young despite being of breeds that often take 8-12 months to lay. On the other hand, I have a dadgum fayoumi hen that JUST started laying, and she's 9 months old!!! They're supposed to be one of the fastest maturing
chicken breeds. I've been highly unimpressed with the fayoumis I got. My rooster died of obesity (pretty sure his genetics were screwed up bad, no one else was even overweight). Though he did hold true to the breed and start crowing at like 3 weeks old! And my hen didn't start laying til just now. So much for that experiment, lol.
Anyway. There's no definitive
answer to your question. She'll lay when she feels like it, for however long she feels like laying! It also depends on the severity of your winters, how much light you supplement with, what kind of nutrition they're getting, how comfortable or stressed they are, and many other factors.