I'd say he either lost them in a fight, or got them caught on something.
Next time, consider cauterizing the wound with something like a soldering iron? Or consider isolating him for a few days to make sure it's healed over?
We had a rooster who lost a spur in a fight. The hens kept pecking at it (hens do that sort of thing) and it ended up infected and we had to put the rooster down. Have you had experience with dogs and trimming toe nails? If you only take off a little, you're fine. If you take off too much, you get bleeding. The process is similar with a rooster's spur. A different rooster who damaged his spur, broke it off in such a way the the growth area was still there. His healed fine and gradually regrew. Our current rooster has one spur that *insists* on growing in a tight curve. We've trimmed it twice. If we were gutsy
enough to take it almost all the way back, it might grow in straighter, but in the meantime, when we see it getting close to the leg, we trim it as otherwise it could push right into the leg.
I'm assuming you got lucky and he looks healed but the spurs didn't grow back?