Hi folks,
I’ve been searching for goumi in Nova Scotia, if beggars could be choosers it would be the sweetest cultivar possible (I’ve heard rumours of an ‘azores’ variety that is even more palatable than the popular ‘sweet scarlet’, but information seems incredibly scarce!)
Most nurseries look at me like I’m crazy and ask if I mean Goji.
The closest source
online I could find was whiffle tree which is, I think, thousands of miles away.
From what I can read Goumi just seems like an ideal wunderplant that doesn’t really have any peers. I’m just wondering what people would recommend —
should I buy an unknown seed pack off eBay? Pay international shipping and customs to get a name variety from a California nursery? Go with whiffletree ?
Is there nobody growing Goumi in the maritime?
Hope all is well out there,
- Eon
I have noticed green barn nursery in Quebec has something they call “cherry olive”, and I’ve seen it mentioned on the permies forums too in my search for Goumi! Does anybody know which eleaeganus sp. this is?