I have a
compost pile and most of my raised beds have at least a bit of my compost in them.. it'll be better next year as I just started out last year with
gardening in the fall.
I have a little bit of worm castings in each bed as well.. couple handfuls each.
Also have about four handfuls of Jobe's Organics Vegetable and Tomato granular fertilizer in each bed.
(All my raised beds are 4' x 4').
Most beds have cow manure compost (Black Kow and the cheaper Timberline $2 per bag). Plan on not having to buy any of this next year as actively working on getting a large compost pile for next year.
I've also added about 1.5 cubic feet of peat in the top 6" of each bed.
My question is
should I be adding in a bit of epsom salt, kelp, azomite dust, green sand? I haven't added any of that yet. The soil in oklahoma generally is supposed to be mineral rich but haven't had it tested. I have a bit of
native soil mixed in every bed.. actually most of the beds at least bottom 6" are 100% native soil. Raised beds are 14" tall.