I read Ishmael in a college ecological psychology course. I thought the book was very insightful and beautifully allegorical for how we might learn from trying to empathize with non human perspectives. On William’s point, I did get a little irked by points that were factually inaccurate like the animal generalizations, but about
straw men, I have yet to read any argument that depicts those with opposing views as anything other than straw people. I was a philosophy major and even though this is atop the list of things not to do, it always seems to happen (ie Spinoza or Berkeley on Descartes, Kant on Hume and Mill, Nietzsche on everyone!). I am even now doing it to William, just as he did it to Quinn in his assessment. Not trying to throw shade, just pointing out what I see as a near universal in human discourse and major cause of human discord.