"A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in."
Walter Jeffries wrote: if you're going to start advocating barter then that is simply money in another form so we're back to money.
Leila Rich wrote:
Walter Jeffries wrote: if you're going to start advocating barter then that is simply money in another form so we're back to money.
Walter, I'm quite possibly misunderstanding your post, but could you elaborate on that statement? I'm a bit confused. I know very little about financial systems, but I've always seen money as a sort of symbolic barter: "I don't have honey/horseshoes/whatever, will you take cash instead".
Money=barter? I dunno, I'd say something like 'I think societies rely on some form of reciprocity/exchange in order to function'
I'm certainly not arguing that the bank might accept my cider in lieu of a mortgage payment though! Or maybe...
Idle dreamer
Walter Jeffries wrote:As to Mark Boyle living without money for a year, sure, that can be doable. Pay your taxes and use no money until next year when the government demands their money again. But how about two years? Three years? And how did he pay the registration on his caravan? How did he pay for his license? Those things took money. So he pays them outside that one year period but the fee comes due again another year. He isn't doing non-consumerism at all.
"A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in."
Tyler Ludens wrote:Maybe someone gifted him the registration (paid it for him).....
Walter Jeffries wrote:
Tyler Ludens wrote:Maybe someone gifted him the registration (paid it for him).....
Then he was living on the money of others rather than actually living without money.
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Burra Maluca wrote:
Walter Jeffries wrote:In Portugal you can buy cheap land and put a caravan on it pretty well anywhere, but you won't find bins full of food! You'll have to find some way to support yourself until you can produce your own food.
So that rather proves my point. You _buy_ cheap land. That is then a cost you've paid. The fact that you don't pay it every year is just that you paid it up front for the long term. This isn't living without money which was the title.
I'll bet the government taxes the land, the roads (tolls), or other things. Government's are very prone to do that. If you really have found a place where the government does not tax anything I would like to hear of that. I doubt it exists but would love to be proven wrong.
And again, if you're bartering then you're not living with out money. Cash, checks, credit cards, "money" is just a way of keeping track of the exchange of value.
Again that gets back to the government since most of them, virtually all of them, tax sales and income as well.
Idle dreamer
Walter Jeffries wrote:
Tyler Ludens wrote:Maybe someone gifted him the registration (paid it for him).....
Then he was living on the money of others rather than actually living without money.
Walter Jeffries wrote:
I'll bet the government taxes the land, the roads (tolls), or other things. Government's are very prone to do that.
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in Portugal, sheltered terraces facing eastwards, high water table, uphill original forest of pines, oaks and chestnuts. 2000m2
in Iceland: converted flat lawn, compacted poor soil, cold, windy, humid climate, cold, short summer. 50m2
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Idle dreamer
Idle dreamer
Tyler Ludens wrote:If you don't want to make money or pay taxes, you could form a not-for-profit organization and locate where such an entity gets full property tax exempt status.
Bulk Herbs By The Pound
amelia nicol wrote:Wait, why do we owe any government or corporation for being alive, needing food, and needing shelter? Why do we owe offerings and sacrifices to a belief that doesn't actually exist -money- that says unless we pay tribute we are violently punished?
Bulk Herbs By The Pound
Mark Olinghouse wrote:
You suggest "working the system" to gain the appearance of not being part of the system?
Idle dreamer
Walter Jeffries wrote:
Tyler Ludens wrote:Maybe someone gifted him the registration (paid it for him).....
Then he was living on the money of others rather than actually living without money.
Walter Jeffries wrote:
Money is just a abstraction of barter. A way of keeping track of valuations. People seem to lose track of this fact.
Iterations are fine, we don't have to be perfect
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sheila reavill wrote:I believe money is a convenience. If I'm a butcher, it's hard to carry a side of beef to my neighbor to pay for some candles. How is he supposed to make change?
Bulk Herbs By The Pound
Andy Reed wrote:
Walter Jeffries wrote:
Money is just a abstraction of barter. A way of keeping track of valuations. People seem to lose track of this fact.
Wrong, Money is debt. Barter is physical goods and services.
"But if it's true that the only person over whom I have control of actions is myself, then it does matter what I do. It may not matter a jot to the world at large, but it matters to me." - John Seymour
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"Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you." ~Maori Proverb
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However loud I tell it, this is never a truth, only my experience...
Jen Shrock wrote:I think that wealth is often, too, a state of mind. While some do not have the choice but to live frugal and scrape by, others do so by choice. I agree that money and wealth is not just cold hard cash / currency. It is whatever one percieves that has value and can be used in trade / exchange for work or goods.
"But if it's true that the only person over whom I have control of actions is myself, then it does matter what I do. It may not matter a jot to the world at large, but it matters to me." - John Seymour
Nina Jay wrote:
Another big problem is how money alienates us from each other. Money and bought services have eg. replaced neighbours helpin each other and that has been a huge loss. Frugality forces us into co-operation with other people and that although much more difficult than clicking "buy" is so much more rewarding.
Nina Jay wrote:
Jen Shrock wrote:While some do not have the choice but to live frugal and scrape by, others do so by choice. I agree that money and wealth is not just cold hard cash / currency. It is whatever one percieves that has value and can be used in trade / exchange for work or goods.
I agree with this one.
But the point was that only the rich can afford to downshift and save natural resources and the poor will just save natural resources because they have to which is not at all the same thing.
I do not like the fact that the money I have on my bank account can have originated from some socially injust or ecologically distructive process.
Xisca - pics! Dry subtropical Mediterranean - My project
However loud I tell it, this is never a truth, only my experience...
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