posted 4 years ago
That sure does make sense doesn’t it? I mean rabbits eat green stuff all day right?
My daughter has a beloved bunny and she is INCREDIBLY picky about what he gets. He does not get grass clippings. I honestly don’t know if this is warranted or not, but my daughter did have a scary experience once.
The bunny wasn’t eating his kale—his absolute favorite snack. My daughter even grows her own organic kale for the rabbit, she is that fastidious. But on that day she came up in tears and told me that she thought the bunny had the beginning of GI stasis. She wanted to take the bunny to the vet. I thought this was ridiculous but I eventually caved.
Turns out she was right. The vet found that while the bunny did not have GI stasis, it was in the process of developing.
Bottom line is that our bunny at least needs a very particular diet and lawn clippings are not on the menu.
I don’t know if this helps, but you just heard my experience.
Good Luck,
Some places need to be wild