Owch. Sorry to hear that, Kathy. Maybe you can get some fresh leaves and pile them between the ants and your plums? Or somehow get rid of the ants? I don't usually propound getting rid of the wildlife, but, eh, your poor trees!
Lol, Dale.
Nice pic. Haven't seen one of those feeders in ages. Probably people are afraid of attracting yellowjackets.
I think around here that mosquitoes would breed just fine in that little bit of water, darn things! Though, yeah, probably the salt or goo would work. Not eager to find out, though. I hate those little suckers.
As for squirrels, geh, they are curious, they'd probably bathe in it, or push a chipmunk in to drown (tiny little things around here.) They found my strawberries a couple days ago. <laugh> Fortunately they tried the sour ones and apparently didn't acquire a taste for them. But I hastily covered them with
pea netting, which has worked in the past and is working now. One of their favorite tricks is to pull up the onion sets to look at them and either toss them aside or put them back upside down.
Update: No idea why, but there were no ants today.
Maybe the baby praying mantis found them. Or some other predator. Or maybe its because I watered today and yesterday both. Or maybe they noticed the mint? lol. doubtful, since they were running in a straight line that totally missed the mint. ...Or maybe they found the compost bin with fresh compost in it. I
should check...
Whatever, I'm keeping my fingers crossed on this one.
Also, my dad didn't freak when I mentioned planting dandelions under the peach (though not sure how hard he was listening), a good sign! Now, to check on kale and carrots as companion plants.