(sadly, there is no forum for this. hope this will do)
I need to wire up two different crawlspaces with sensors for temperature and humidity, and I need some sort of remote so I don't have to crawl in there to see a set of steam gauges! Why? because I need to modernize their insulation, converting a vented crawlspace to an insulated and sealed one - and the real danger is humidity finding its way up through the vapor barrier. I'd rather get some reads on what's happening then discover a boat load of moldy timber down there.
But I need your
experience to help me make a selection. There are so many options - wired vs wifi vs bluetooth, phone vs datacard vs website, package vs diy, brand-x vs brand -y - I'm not quite sure where to start. I can certainly throw some $ and see what happens in the technology casino, but maybe folks here can nudge me in one direction or another.
There are some existing solutions such as:
$139 Tempstick : https://www.meross.com/product/51/article/{/list]
[list]$22 Meross sensor: https://www.meross.com/product/51/article/ $19 Switchbot: https://www.switch-bot.com/products/switchbot-meter
And of
course there are arduino and raspberry pi options ... which are really appealing except there is a learning curve there that I'm not sure I need/want to deal with at this moment. But I could be convinced.
any thoughts? experiences to share? Thanks.