“It’s said war—war never changes. Men do, through the roads they walk. And this road—has reached its end.”
Jordan Holland wrote:They will bite virtually any bait fish will bite, with even more gusto! Raw meat is particularly good. There will likely need to be a steel leader or wire ahead of the hook because they can cut fishing line with their claws. They could likely survive several days on a line if left that long, but I would check lines at least daily.
They can also be trapped above water. The only trap legal here is a trap with a lever where the turtle's weight causes it to tilt and dump it in a box where it can't crawl out. I just looked and there are several other types pictured online that look simple. Most are some kind of net/cage with large pvc pipe around the top which floats. Some kind of ramp lets them climb in, and I imagine the pvc is too slick for them to climb out.
"Them that don't know him don't like him and them that do sometimes don't know how to take him, he ain't wrong he's just different and his pride won't let him do the things to make you think he's right" - Ed Bruce (via Waylon and WIllie)
"Them that don't know him don't like him and them that do sometimes don't know how to take him, he ain't wrong he's just different and his pride won't let him do the things to make you think he's right" - Ed Bruce (via Waylon and WIllie)
Jordan Holland wrote:They will bite virtually any bait fish will bite, with even more gusto! Raw meat is particularly good. There will likely need to be a steel leader or wire ahead of the hook because they can cut fishing line with their claws. They could likely survive several days on a line if left that long, but I would check lines at least daily.
They can also be trapped above water. The only trap legal here is a trap with a lever where the turtle's weight causes it to tilt and dump it in a box where it can't crawl out. I just looked and there are several other types pictured online that look simple. Most are some kind of net/cage with large pvc pipe around the top which floats. Some kind of ramp lets them climb in, and I imagine the pvc is too slick for them to climb out.
Judson Carroll wrote:
Jordan Holland wrote:They will bite virtually any bait fish will bite, with even more gusto! Raw meat is particularly good. There will likely need to be a steel leader or wire ahead of the hook because they can cut fishing line with their claws. They could likely survive several days on a line if left that long, but I would check lines at least daily.
They can also be trapped above water. The only trap legal here is a trap with a lever where the turtle's weight causes it to tilt and dump it in a box where it can't crawl out. I just looked and there are several other types pictured online that look simple. Most are some kind of net/cage with large pvc pipe around the top which floats. Some kind of ramp lets them climb in, and I imagine the pvc is too slick for them to climb out.
I've eaten turtle a few times and thought it was absolutely delicious so I am looking forward to capturing them. I wish there were a way for them to live harmoniously in the pond with the ducks but I don't think that's going to pan out for the ducks best Fortune.
There are probably as many ways to trap or catch turtles as there are cultures who love to eat them. I've known guys who walk barefoot in the water, until the step on one, pin it down with a stick and pull it out.... not my idea of fun! Bank lines are good, but trapping is far more humane. Check out my friend, The Meat Trapper on youtube. He'll get you going in the right direction. As Mollison said, "the problem is the solution." Turtle is my absolute favorite meat and I sure wish I had your problem!
“It’s said war—war never changes. Men do, through the roads they walk. And this road—has reached its end.”
Lorinne Anderson: Specializing in sick, injured, orphaned and problem wildlife for over 20 years.
“It’s said war—war never changes. Men do, through the roads they walk. And this road—has reached its end.”
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