Hi Casey - looks like a nice design. I built an enclosure along somewhat similar lines when I started raising rabbits. At the time I was living on a suburban 3/4 acre lot. I placed mine under 2 mature oak
trees, so I didn't have to grow any shade for them.
A few suggestions on the design...
I can't tell if there is a waterproof roof of some sort on top of the arbor. If not, I would recommend one. Rabbits will appreciate the
shelter from the rain/snow.
Adding in some corner angle braces may be helpful in providing more rigidity and strength (lots of triangles).
I suspended my hutches using wire that was attached to the rafters. It worked pretty well to make it easier to get under the hutches and rake out the manure. If you go that route, use LOTS of wire to make sure it is stable. Once you have a good sized doe or buck running around in the hutch, it gets crazy if the hutch can move at all!
I was able to rig up a central watering system by hanging a 5 gallon
bucket from one of the nearby oaks and runing 1/4" tubing to each hutch with a watering station. If you are going to incorporate this, make sure there is room to get the watering line to each hutch without the line coming near the sides of any hutch. the rabbits have very sharp teeth and the tubing doesn't stand a chance if it gets too close
Since you are in a pretty cold climate, think about drafts/wind, as well. Can you design some wind-breaks using fences or other plants to keep the rabbits from getting hit by the prevailing winds? Rabbits are very cold hardy when they can get out of the wind.
good luck with the