So I am just about a complete newbie, and here in a few months I will be stateside again and I will have some time to go home for a bit. Home for me 5 acres in deep east Texas, which used to be farmland; but hasn't been worked in at least a few decades (been in my family for close to ten years now). I'd say at least a good solid 1.5 - 2 acres of it is cleared
land. In about 3 ish years time, it's where i'll be moving back to, permanently.
The ground is fairly well compacted, and consists of about 1.5 inches of good, dark soil. Under that is about 8 inches of sand, followed by clay. While im home this next time, i'd like to spread a cover crop or crops that will, ideally, A. help improves the soil structure and fertility, B. draw up any deeper nutrient, and C. give me a continuous supply of mulch and
compost material over the next couple years; till I move home.
Any suggestions for a good cover crop, or succession of cover crops that would accomplish this?
Attached is a picture, for reference, which also includes a rough overlay I drew up one day.