We call that 'curly dock' over here. There are reports that dock seed is edible, but I think it would need to be a pretty bad famine for me to consider eating it
Dock drives farmers here nuts: stock won't eat it and it can form dense monocultures in grass monocultures...
But its massive taproot mines all sorts of goodies. It makes powerful 'tea'. ' Very, very stinky tea, that I'd generally run through the compost. Highy-protein plants like comfrey and dock=extra pongy.
Dock is a pioneer plant and thrives in acidic, poor, compacted, anaerobic soil. It's very fond of alkaline, rich, friable, aerobic soil too!
I'd cut the seed stalk and leave it in
water till it rots. Watch out: dock seed will mature if cut green and left on the ground. The
roots survive hot compost.
I'm certainly not saying "eek, get rid of it", and dock may well act very differently for you, but in NZ, it's ability to survive and dominate needs to be treated with great respect.