I would say this tracked vehicle would spend more time sitting idle on your farm. Personally speaking, the cost ain't worth the price. It would be fun to drive but I really can't think of a good reason to have one on the homestead. I have a
tractor that can do more than this vehicle can do, such as plow, brush hog, disc, hauling and pulling. This vehicle is limited in scope.
These vehicless would be better suited to a large construction site where a normal sized dump truck wouldn't do. The ability to turn on a dime would be useful there.
Maybe a large ranch with some back country mining or logging operations where the terrain would justify the tracks.
I wonder how it does in snow? I remember a bunch of years ago ranchers couldn't get
feed to their stock because of a huge snowstorm. This vehicle might have been perfect, but with its nose stuck out there so far there would be a limit on how deep the snow could be.
Backing with a trailer would be difficult, but achievable. That would be a long learning curve teaching yourself to back a trailer with levers vs steering wheel. You would definitely need to use the mirrors, so there's another skill one would have to master. Once you had that skill down pat it would be a breeze, but it would take some practice.
I couldn't tell from the picture, but I don't think this vehicle is road legal, limiting its use. It probably has a heated cab but not cooling. The cab doesn't look insulated.
Lastly, if your wife ( assuming there is a Mrs) is anything like my wife she'll wanna drive it. My wife would make it her personal homestead vehicle. I might even find her spinning in place, pinned to the side of the cab, laughing her ass off...she's kinda weird like that but then so am I 🤣