Jane Marr wrote:
Oh! That would be an extra food source if, like you said, there were an efficient way of harvesting. I'll definitely look into it, thank you so much for the video!
I also just realized, for anyone who happens upon this thread and is curious too--some people give them to chickens! I've read varying results as some peoples' hens hate them while others love them, but I'll be trying that soon too!
I have picked one apart (very laboriously) and found the seeds to be very similar in size and flavor to sunflower seeds. In other words, good eats! But the amount of labor involved is ridiculously prohibitive.
At some point in the freeze/thaw/rot cycle, the fruit become quite soft, usually after various parts of the surface turn black. It would be unpleasant to handle the fruit in detail at that point, but it might be the "sweet spot" for feeding them to
chickens, because the seeds would be much easier to get at. That's what I would try, anyway.