Agree with the need to know what type of TH being planned. Could be small and mobile
enough to sit on skids or trailer; could be a TH on a foundation, requiring similar foundation types as are used in other stick-built homes.
If a permanent foundation is desired, then you have all the choices that are typical for your area, and that you or the homebuilder (and engineer?) is comfortable with designing and installing; building codes are also in play.
Having said all that, perhaps a frost protected shallow foundation (FPSF) can be utilized in your area ...
Regardless of foundation type, you can't spend enough time and money in making sure water is kept away from the foundation or pad area; raising height of pad, swaling water away from the pad, draining water with french drains to daylight, sealing/insulating, etc. Once the foundation is done, there is less opportunity and interest to go back in and fix issues.