I've been seeing a Naturopath for about 4 months now. He prescribes Standard Process supplements -
https://www.standardprocess.com. I have had chronic back pain when waking in the mornings for over 6 years now, as well as low
energy and fatigue symptoms, asthma, among other minor but irritating long term health problems.
I'm pretty strict about an organic whole foods diet these days. I follow
Sally Fallon and use her cook book. So, I'm happy to be taking a whole food supplement. Not something made up in a lab.
Immediately after starting my supplementation, I had more energy and strength. I currently enjoy exercise cause I have both of these qualities more consistently, for it not to be a drag or a chore. And I am surprised to find many of my chronic conditions diminishing and lessening more and more.
The healing path has been like a roller coaster, and still is. But I feel it evening out, healing up, like never before.
One thing I really like is my Naturopath's approach to healing on all levels. In actuality the supplementation is secondary to his main focus. It is more to do with psychology and spiritual growth, through a simple process called The 12-Step Group. Most people know of it as Alcoholics Anonymous. But in this particular "12 Step Group", the alcohol and substance part is taken out. What's left is the addicted behavior of the mind, especially to anything mentally unhealthy...
ego, self-centeredness, drama, the illusion of control. And it goes to show that when the mind is gummed up the body is too.
So, I'm just curious if anyone else has used Standard Process supplements, or any other whole food supplements which they have had good results with?
Take care everyone. Be healthy, and be happy!