interesting. i didnt know that, but can say i think its powerful stuff.
all i know it that it takes a huge amount of saffron flowers to collect
enough of the pollen used as "saffron" the spice.
somebody sent me some saffron seeds, extra freebie in a seed i am thinking about planting the seeds i have and did a small amount of research. even if all the seeds i have sprout i will not have very much actual saffron...but i may plant it anyway .....and maybe not even harvest it that way...its kind odd to have gotten seeds, but i guess they are viable, usually its gotten with bulbs. the seeds are a bit like tiny bulbs.
though i was curious if any other part was edible/medicinal i couldnt find much info about it being used in other ways....except as an aphrodesiac- i'm sure it has been used in some other ways. i would be careful with it though, i think its quite potent.
its hard to get too much of it anyway.
and normally plants that are in those families and look like it are NOT EDIBLE at all, so be sure you have the real saffron.
i've wondered about the seeds i have, to double check, what kind it is.
i've also wondered if the flower petals are also edible, most plants that are like this, and crocuses are not edible flowers.
so curious myself, perhaps someone has more answers....