Looking for any permies in the vicinity of Butte, Bozeman, Livingston, to Big Timber, Montana--approximately! Am interested in growing high brix in permanent agriculture, also enjoy the concept of straw bale gardening for starter gardens. Anyone--especially retirees--is welcome to add their input to this endeavor.
Hi Sue;
Montana is a big sky kinda place!
Plenty of Permie type folks around here, we are just a country mile or so down the fence line...
Permie central at the Wheaton ranch is over near Missoula.
I'm up in the north west corner near the Idaho line.
I know of others down the Bitterroot valley south of Missoula.
I'm sure there are some around the Butte divide country as well.
For all your Montana Masonry Heater parts (also known as) Rocket Mass heater parts.
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