Hi everybody!
Along thoses lines,
http://www.builditsolar.com/Experimental/AirColTesting/BackpassCol/TestingFirstGo.htm, i have two questions.
First, is it possible to do the same type of colector without glass? the steel would be the first surface to be hit by sun rays, and it would have a thermostat shuting the flow. I'm thinking about doing this as a whole roof in the future. Would be vented inside with a fan in the winter. I have a lot of sun where i live. But it's way cold too. 1500m high, ski resort in the southern french alps. And in the sumer, it would be vented outside, doing the air extraction of the house. The intake into the house would be through a canadian well.
Secondly, i 'm looking to make a "normal" one, to heat up my flat. South facing flat, 36 square meters, about 93 cubic meters. I can use the front wall no prob. I have a 4 inch tube coming into the house, for air intake. What kind of surface
should i need? It goes down to minus 25C° at night one month to two month of teh year. Obviously, this will be backed up by an accumulation electric heater, and à rocket. Would a 5 ish square meter colector be any good?
Fourth question, for the black part of the colector, do i absolutely need aluminium? Or steel would do? I have access to lots of roofing steel.
According to this
I'm in a place with around 1500+ kwh per square meter per year. Horizontaly from Grenoble, right on the Italian border. How much can i extract from this?
Thanks a lot and best regards.