I believe I may have found the Super
chicken that Paul mentioned developing in his
chicken article. Actually 2 breeds that have been improved by a breeder in Wisconsin to be more permaculturey than original. He describes his breeding program like this.
"Mine is a very hands-on approach to poultry; how many finger widths between the keel and the pelvis, how solid is a bird in the hand, how bright are its eyes, and how large and moist is its vent upon the equinox of spring. It is this most basic form of evaluation that has steered this fancy flock down a path quite unlike that of other common brahma varieties. If a hen doesn’t lay her eggs in the nest or if she prefers the coop to the open-range she is quickly escalated to the rank of stew hen. And if a rooster lacks the instincts to roost or the chutzpa to breed naturally he is crowned broiler rather than breeder."
Sounds like a winner. I personally don't have
experience with this guy, he could be just blowing smoke but it sounds legit. Here is the website
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