When my husband splits
wood, he always has a huge pile of bark afterwards, and I chip that bark for mulch. We've had our chipper for about 3 years now, and I've tried several different solutions to containing the chips that come flying out of the chipper.
My first solution was to point the chipper outlet into a trailer. I started with my small ATV trailer, but that wasn't big
enough. Chips flew all over and out. Plus, I could only chip for about 15 minutes before it was full. That meant that I either had to hurry up and use it, bag it right away, or just let everything sit for now and then I'd have to chip again when I needed chips.
My second solution was to lay a huge tarp down and chip onto that. I could chip a large amount and then cover it if I needed to, or bag it up and store the bags of chips. When I needed the chips, it was easy to put the bags in the ATV trailer to wherever I needed them. To bag the chips, I saved
chicken feed bags, and put one into a 5-gallon
bucket to get it started. Then I could take the bag out of the bucket to finish filling. Of
course, that's rather labor-intensive. Plus, since bagging the chips usually extended over several days, weeks or months (depending on my 'chore schedule'), it remained a mess until it was all cleared. That drove my husband crazy, and the tarp was also pretty much decimated by the time I was done.
So, here we were this year - a huge (and very, very messy) pile of bark in front of the log lean-to, which is next to our driveway and quite visible from our living room. It would be an onerous effort to take that huge pile to a different location to chip. Plus, there was just no way my husband would be able to stand the mess of chips.
We had an area between the lean-to and the garden that was about 4' wide. We purchased plywood, which I painted with exterior paint. My husband screwed it to the side of the lean-to, the
fence, and put two 4'x4' posts in for the 3rd side, making a 'chipping bin'. While we still have a little tweaking to do, my first chipping session worked pretty well.