Hi Christopher. It's tough to make good suggestions without some hint of where you are on Planet Earth. The posters here sort of span the entire globe.
Me, I'm trying to:
- add late
compost (whatever crazy magic mix of compost/char/etc. I've concocted this year)
- break up the soil by hand, as deep as I can, in vertical chunks, so it captures and holds spring melt moisture, and doesn't go anaerobic
- bust up the surface where slugs have been prolific, so their eggs are destroyed in the cold
- in certain areas, once the growies are out, dig down and replace chunks of pure-sand subsoil and replace with a slurry of compost-tea-infused straw/char/wood chips to hopefully hold
water and nutrients (if that sounds like a lot of work, all done by hand with a shovel, you are correct, but that's the price, and I don't need a gym membership either)