Welcome to the serfdom.
Be the shenanigans
you want to see in the world.
Fish heads fish heads roly poly fish heads
In modern times the only right way forward is to come back to nature.
John Daley Bendigo, Australia The Enemy of progress is the hope of a perfect plan
Benefits of rainfall collection https://permies.com/t/88043/benefits-rainfall-collection
GOOD DEBT/ BAD DEBT https://permies.com/t/179218/mortgages-good-debt-bad-debt
"The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance."~Ben Franklin
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." ~ Plato
K Eilander wrote:I'm currently reading the well-respected "You Can Farm" by Joel Salatin. There is a lot on the subject, but I think one quote sums it up:
"Land ownership is an excellent way to maintain wealth - a defensive position. Acquiring wealth, however, is an offensive posture and is generally done best by renting."
So (at the risk of putting words into his mouth), I would say that Salatin's advice would be to not worry so much about buying land, but instead to focus on farming where you are. This is to prove to yourself that you know how to make it successful and also to save up enough cash to bankroll your next move.
I'm probably doing a disservice by abridging it that far, but that's the crux of it.
Perfect The Dwelling Land
Ted Abbey wrote:How much money to save? Too much is never enough.. so don’t let that be your deciding factor. With that being said, the secret to making a small fortune with Permaculture? Start with a big fortune! Haha..
In modern times the only right way forward is to come back to nature.
John Daley Bendigo, Australia The Enemy of progress is the hope of a perfect plan
Benefits of rainfall collection https://permies.com/t/88043/benefits-rainfall-collection
GOOD DEBT/ BAD DEBT https://permies.com/t/179218/mortgages-good-debt-bad-debt
"We're all just walking each other home." -Ram Dass
"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder."-Rumi
"It's all one song!" -Neil Young
Our inability to change everything should not stop us from changing what we can.
Welcome to the serfdom.
Jeff Steez wrote:Hello all,
I have $1,000 saved up as of today (yes, I know it's utterly pathetic) and only plan to increase it. I'd like to start an online business that will make money with just a few hours a day, I do not know what though, be it shirts, or some type of invention I've been considering, I would greatly like to craft tobacco pipes. I have a very Permies related idea I've been trying to develop, but I do not know how well it will go.
When in doubt, doubt the doubt.
Our inability to change everything should not stop us from changing what we can.
Joe Hallmark wrote:
Randomly starting some job where you can save 30k after tax is not going to be a 9-5. It will be some sort of construction job where overtime is required.
Welcome to the serfdom.
Best luck: satisfaction
Greatest curse, greed
Our inability to change everything should not stop us from changing what we can.
Best luck: satisfaction
Greatest curse, greed
Huck Finn wrote:Get in touch with the local dispensary to sell your pipes if your state is legal and just go for it.
Welcome to the serfdom.
Sandra Graham wrote:You mentioned you grow pepper plants. I don’t know if this will be a permanent state, but nursery prices for plants have skyrocketed this year. A six pack of vegetable seedlings has jumped from 2$ and change, to $7 here. Tiny 2”-3” pots of herbs are now $7 to $10. Ornamental and native plants in 10” pots have more than doubled as well to $38 and up. It seems to me that someone could make a lot of bank this year just offering garden variety vegetable seedlings on Craigslist at a significant discount off the nurseries. Same with herbs, though that will take a bit longer to get them to marketable size. Ornamentals would be a multi-year project, but worth it if these prices are the new norm.
Welcome to the serfdom.
pax amor et lepos in iocando
Don't waste another day in the rat race--in that really useless world we've created
John Daley Bendigo, Australia The Enemy of progress is the hope of a perfect plan
Benefits of rainfall collection https://permies.com/t/88043/benefits-rainfall-collection
GOOD DEBT/ BAD DEBT https://permies.com/t/179218/mortgages-good-debt-bad-debt
In modern times the only right way forward is to come back to nature.
Welcome to the serfdom.
Best luck: satisfaction
Greatest curse, greed
Thekla McDaniels wrote:Hi Jeff,
I wonder if you have benefitted in any way from carrying these diagnoses.
The diagnostic statistical manual DSM with a number after the initials, I think we are up to five, represented by V, the Roman numeral 5, it is the source book for the psych-industry. It’s a comprehensive list of all the so called mental illnesses formally recognized in the USA.
It has lists of symptoms the professional identifies and documents. If a person has the right combination of symptoms for one diagnosis or another, the professional can diagnose a person and can bill the insurance company for “treatment”. In a best case scenario, the diagnosis also guides treatment strategies, and a person gets some relief from what is troubling him or her.
It’s important to note that mental illness changes from one version of the DSM to the next, and mental illness is different from one culture to the next. What was illness in 1950 may not be illness today. Will today’s illnesses still be illness in 2075?
Since receiving the diagnosis of OCD, has any professional helped you alleviate the discomfort (extreme discomfort) of that which makes them label you OCD?
The DSM and it’s diagnoses are largely just ways of cataloguing human variation. It’s origin is in the WWI draft, some way to codify human variation to identify who would NOT make a good soldier. I’m not sure that’s a fair estimation of wellness. “If you can’t be a soldier, you’re ill?” That’s not how I look at it!
This is my opinion from the vantage point of having an advanced degree in psychology and 20 years of professional experience in psychiatric inpatient treatment institutions.
Often times, psych diagnoses are used as an excuse to not apply our innate qualities, and so they become imposed limitations. I think that’s really sad.
If my perspective isn’t helpful, then forgive the presumption, I just thought I would offer a different perspective on psychiatric diagnoses. I’m sure there are plenty of talented committed psych professionals alleviating suffering, but not everyone in the field is worthy of your time, your trust or your respect or your co-pay.
You might want to read through the suggestions made on this thread again, maybe more than once, asking of each and every suggestion, “How can I make this work for me?”
Best luck! & Best wishes!
Welcome to the serfdom.
Best luck: satisfaction
Greatest curse, greed
You are welcome to check out my blog at http://www.theartisthomestead.com or my artwork at http://www.davidhuang.org
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