It really is something. I listen to CBC Radio1 from 5:30 to 18:00 every day and heard the song's world radio debut today on Q with Jian Gomeshi, it was nice. Chris Hadfield wrote the lyrics and asked his friend (whose name escapes me) from The Bare Naked Ladies to compose the music. Apparently the earth portion of the recording was done separately from the space part and they were mixed back here on terra firma. I think that Hadfield is doing a great job at informing us earthlings of the fragility of our home. He's posting pictures constantly on his twitter
feed. They are really worth checking out (google his name), his comments also are very much part of his educational endeavours.
Here's one he shot of my
city. South is up. Can anyone identify it? (I'm really hoping it only looks that bright because the ground is covered with snow)
We cannot change the waves of expansion and contraction, as their scale is beyond human control, but we can learn to surf. Nicole Foss @ The Automatic Earth