Online videos will give you the information on gutting and skinning.
As for the meat, when harvesting a deer I simply cut loose each individual muscle from the bones and I either leave them as a roast, slice them into steaks, or cube them into stew meat which could them be ground into burger if desired. Some parts may be damaged from the harvest, you may want to cut that section out and use any good meat around it as stew meat. After removing all the large muscles do your best to trim off any remaining small pieces, again probably best used for stew or burger.
It isn't difficult, just take your time, use a sharp knife, don't cut yourself, and have a good supply of gallon and 2 gallon sized ziplock bags available. Get each piece into a cooler as soon as possible. If flies are around you can sprinkle the skinned animal with fine ground pepper and for the most part the flies will stay away, keep sprinkling the pepper as each new section of meat is exposed. When you get home rinse everything with
water and cut or slice each piece as desired. This is when you decide to keep them as roasts or slice them into steaks or cubes or burger, not in the field.