Our 3.5 year old bantam rooster Jacob is poorly. He hasn't crowed for two days, was standing hunched and not his usual self. His crop is full, soft but not squishy and no signs of infection on his tongue or throat.
Had a zoom consultation with Avian Empire vets who were really helpful and reassuring. They only charge for the initial consultation and follow ups are free.
local vets are very good and there are a couple of vets who specialise in poultry but not easy to get a same day appointment.
The fee is similar but follow ups with the in person vet is charged unlike the
online consultations.
On their advice, have brought him home and into our
chicken hospital - the guest
shower cubical.
It has seen a few residents in the 3 1/2 years since we started keeping
chickens, Jacob was the first of our flock.
Force fed him scrambled eggs,
water via a dropper and crushed aspirin in water.
Felt he was getting a little better when he wouldn't allow me to prise open his beak and squawked indignantly.
Hope he makes it through the night🤞