To this day, it's impossible for me to see the NYC skyline and not think about what's missing. It can be a photograph, a scene in a movie or a TV show. I still can't believe it's gone. Whether the scene is an old movie with the World Trade Ctr in it, or more recent & it's absent. Of
course, it's not just the WTC that was affected, but it's more palpable because it's gone. A palpable sense of loss.
A friend of mine is a paramedic in NY. Drives an ambulance. He was in the
city that day. Says a day doesn't go by where he doesn't think of it.
There is a beam from the WTC on display in a park nearby. When you look at the twisted iron, it's unfathomable to think about how it got that way. (Pix included in Imagine post)
I often think of the people who went to their jobs that day or got on those planes. Going to work, just like any other day. Or taking a little trip...whatever. Maybe had cross words with a spouse or a child that morning. Probably didn't think much of it at the time. Some of those folks never got the chance to say, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I love you, forgive me, etc. If you think of it, this could apply to the lives that were lost and those left alive, depending on the situation. How many of us have gotten irritated with someone we love, maybe stomped out of the house and didn't speak to them for a few hours? I know I have.
You never know when you might lose someone you love. That is the inescapable thought I have about 9-11-01.
Never forget...
...and always remember to tell those you love how much you love them & hug them...often!