Anne Miller wrote:I would want to plant fast-growing trees that are evergreen.
What type of trees are native to your area?
This article lists several that are pretty and evergreen:
I was thinking of doing some evergreens a little further out from the house as a privacy screen. The winter sun hits the front of the house and (in the picture) that right side, didn’t want evergreens too close and blocking the winter sun. Summer sun gets the front, same side as winter sun and the end at the back.
Evergreen Trees
Atlantic White-cedar, Chamaecyparis thyoides Ti-ti, Cyrilla racemiflora
American Holly, Ilex opaca
Topel Holly, Ilex x attenuata
Eastern Red-cedar, Juniperus virginiana
Southern Magnolia, Magnolia grandiflora Sweet-bay, Magnolia virginiana var. australis Common Wax-myrtle, Morella cerifera syn. Myrica
Red Bay, Persea palustris syn. Persea borbonia Long-leaf Pine, Pinus palustris
Eastern White Pine, Pinus strobus is suitable for the
mountains though difficult to grow in the piedmont
or coastal plain
Loblolly Pine, Pinus taeda
Laurel Oak, Quercus hemisphaerica Live Oak, Quercus virginiana
Eastern Arborvitae, Thuja occidentalis Eastern Hemlock, Tsuga canadensis