Thank you John. That's given me some pointers to help me.
Yes I'm pretty sure it is smut. I'll have to have a look again to see if it loose smut or covered smut. I also found
AHDB on loose smut. Apparently loose smut infects the developing seed on the crop, whereas covered smut can infect them at any stage before and during germination being soil borne as well as seed borne. It is possible to screen for loose smut by sampling and looking for growing fungal systems in the embryo, but that wouldn't be of use for covered smut if that can be in the soil.
Although loose smut can affect up to 25% of the seed, according to the link you gave it can be killed by heat treatment with
hot water, which may be worth considering. Covered smut apparently is very rare in the UK so is less likely, although some of my seed did come from Southern Ireland....AHDB say that the soil bourne spores are "short lived" so it's pretty certain that the infection came with the seed then, since the
land had been grass for at least 40 years prior to my making a growing are there last year. Saying that though, some grasses can catch the disease too, although I've not noticed it at all. They would have rarely seeded when the sheep were in there.
Luckily oats aren't grown round here anymore, certainly not within 10 miles anyhow. I've never seen anyone else growing it since I've been here, although it may be grown elsewhere on Skye or on the Outer Hebrides.
I think I will look into heat treatment of my saved seed, and maybe any more bought in seed I obtain to mix in next year, and pick out any infected heads in the meantime.