I am a new
chicken owner, and recently got four chicks, 2-3 weeks old. Unfortunately we lost our Rhode Island Red chick Thursday night/Friday morning. She had been lethargic for the past day or two, wasn't growing compared to the others, and was never as active. I tried giving her sugar
water, a little bit of hardboiled egg for protein, and separated her. They are all on Tucker
feed, which supposedly medicates against cocci.
Last night one of my other typically active chicks, a red sexlink, started to appear lethargic. She has been sleeping more, sleeps while she stands, and droops her head. When I look in their bin the other two chicks eyes are open wide looking at me, but she is still dropping off to sleep. The other two chicks are as active as ever. I have separated her, and she has perked up a little since then, but is still sleeping a lot and has been chirping loudly even though the temperature is just under 90. Her
poop has looked normal, brown with a little white and solid. I have a large plastic tub with pine shavings in the bottom, with a light on one end, their feed and water on another end.
It is possible I am just being paranoid since we already lost one chick, but I want to make sure I don't lose another, she is one of my favorites! Is there anything I can purchase to help, can you take a chick to a vet? Thanks so much for your help!!