When the chicks first arrive, I feed them crushed hard-boiled eggs mixed with clipped fresh greens (dandilion, comfrey, whatever is available), just for their first feeding.
Then I use the standard, non-medicated 'Chick Starter' for the first 3 weeks. I supplement this with all-you-can-eat fresh clipped greens. Dried kelp is also good in small amounts.
From 3 weeks on, the birds (meat birds or future layers) get noting but whole grain wheat, a little cracked corn, unlimited skim milk/curds, and free-range all day. Milk+wheat+pasture is a perfect diet.
The commercial
chicken mash is gross to me, but I have found that it really gets the birds off to a good start. Their needs are so critical in the first weeks that it isnt worth compromising their health.
But once they are off to a good start, whole grains and excellent quality range forage raises good healthy birds. I figure I have about $3 in feed cost in each bird at maturity at 6 months of age. Mortality is usually around 5% from start to finish.