I would also like to be able to have the ventilation automatically take advantage of high daytime temperatures in summer and low nighttime temperatures in winter to stabilize the internal temperature.
How do you think a high external temperature will assist in evening out the temperature?
It would help if you listed the area where you are located, so we can see the weather variations, see if it is always cool at night.
Iy would help if you explained the building orientation as well.
Is 'wood insulation' any good.
Have you considered using a very solid wall that is exposed to the outside, even having a shade wall on it if it gets direct sun on it.
A variation of a Trombe wall may work for you in cooling it in summer.
From ;
Trombe Wall
A Trombe wall is usually an 8–16 in. thick masonry wall coated with a dark, heat-absorbing material and covered by a single or double layer of glass, placed from about 3/4–6 in. away from the masonry wall.
Heat from the sun is stored in the air space between the glass and dark material and conducted slowly to the interior of the building through the masonry through the conduction and convection mechanisms.
The same wall can be used to cool, by shading the wall in the day and opening it up at night, when its cool,
Trombe wall cooling function.
From that site;
At night, air movement is induced by the warm air inside the Trombe wall air gap.
The air gap sucks the cool outdoor air into the interior space, replacing the warm indoor air through natural convection.
Therefore, the Trombe wall is used for increasing the air flow that enhances the cross ventilation for cooling.