I had 4 standard peach
trees come this spring, I put two in sandy soil in our rear food forest area, but I am trying something with 2 others, a Red Haven Peach and a Hale haven peach standard. I put on on each end of my new baby hugelbed. they aren't on the very top, they are on the ends, where the ends of the logs are covered with topsoil and slopes down. They are smallish whips with good
roots on them. I have planted one side of the hugelbed this spring with mixed lettuces and the other side with mixed microgreens spicey asian and spicey italian blends..It is too early here in Michigan to plant much on that bed..but I do have plans for beans, corn and squash on the top of the bed and probably spinach along the bottom wettest area among other things.
I was wondering has anyone done something similar with fruit (or peach) trees on their hugelbeds and how has it worked out for you.
The photos were taken last fall when we finished building the bed, but before planting.