Like the name, would appeal to the types hippy things don't appeal to.,cool modern and a bit wicked.
I have not read all of the sections you can open but i got a bit lost when i opened up the farming incubator section. Would the spin farmers have an expert composter person incubating on their farms it seems they were to be several farms sharing the same facilities. they could include and egg incubator, i have long meant to buy one since i saw one in a shop, horrible cosumeras i am.
Also, reading the bit on incubators I got that panic sensation the smell of failure brings me when the incubator section started talking about killing all the seeds and such in ht ecompost, the sort of i wont be successfull at all that sensation, blue funk, i think this is not for me reaction.
To look cool and technical maybe you only need a light scattering of technological words, i suppose scattering comes from the word, "scat" i did not know that word till Brenda Groth used it, scatological, scatter, interesting, old English i suppose. You only need a scattering of technological words not a real deep end use of them. It is all
art how much is enough to convince, to sound technological. Here in Spain the book that is meant to help you with your tax form is impossible to read, i doubt even lawyers use so many words more usually in legal terminology than everyday language in one sentence. In language teaching they talk of words called passive vocabulary, words that you understand but aren't confident enough about where and when to use them to use them and that make things hard to understand if there are to many in one sentence.
I remember a program in The Hughleys series when Mrs Hughey wants to go and pick apples, an option some farmer offers and Mr Hughley says that that is what their ancestors escaped from and he is not going to pick apples and so they don't, a pity a nice way to spend an family afternoon maybe with a prettyness surfeit.
It is really different picking your own apples from working as a picker, about the hardest worse paid job there is from sunrise to sunset. The country is so beautiful, walk out your door and there you have a sky with a moon in it a really whitches night set up or you migh tconsider you are in the middle of a painting by Pinkham Ryder, really dramatic ambiental and pretty. Picking apples in the fresh air, thinking i am getting some exercise this has to be good for me, the prettyness of red apples against a blue sky and not too many apples all at once because this is not an
apple farm so a few apples in autumn and lettuces in summer makes it a pleasant pastime. I like combining sport and work.
Maybe you need some Kennedy's picking apples to persuade everyone that
apple picking is cool or some car tuners, i reckon the car tuners would be better, their must be a car tuner with a really cool garden, they are really efficient people. It is cool it makes you feel good if its not all day and night, but how to make it look cool.
The same principle is is at work in the bit about Dolly Parton, visiting her old childhood house, on television, I think it was a CNN documentary about her, wearing shoes that have a enormously high heel and saying, "this is a country girl walking in the mud" with a little laugh as she toddled across a
lawn. It was funny and a sharp little remark with a lot of social commentary in it.
The many programs on the idle rich are a disaster, its all right downing the rich, the trouble is that other people while they hate them want to copy them and so everyone else goes silly, you have to have your intelligent hard working rich, Shark, House style. The rich i once knew were not idle, humans tend to look for occupations, so really idle rich is a lie anyway, also they want to get richer, a good reason to work, they are privileged so you can do them on that, on having the luck to get a lot of help in their life, parents who give them a long edducation servants who do the manual work so they are freed to learn more socialising and talking to those who know or reading o rpaying for courses. They want to be the only ones who get thelped up what meanies. Though only those who are really money grabbing work as hard as a fruit picker, they are not as lazy as the television would have them look.
You can present them as bad but part of their luck is to get educated for longer and have better jobs so they aren't just talking about their hair and clothes and boyfriends around the swimming pool in many section of the wealthy but law an dagriculture an dpolitics and such seriouse themes. As people want to hate and copy them this educated type who don't want to look silly, would be the type of rich you
should present to the country on television if you want o advance you runderpriviledged. Present the Paris Hilton who can cook a
lasagna, a complicated and hard work dish which she cooked one day for a family who she had been parked with for that months programs, an dprobably coverse about seriouse themes as all hostesses should and not the just clothes buying Paris Hilton.
I have a friend who has descended from being a person who had a degree and was a socailly responsible communist person i don't think comunism works but i would rather people had a communist ideology than a fascist one, a potentially intelligent type young woman into complete twitdoom and i think its because she thinks its elegant. The stupidity must have always been there in her already, she fills in what she does not know making things up, if you are truthfull it obliges you to look things up or ask and then you don't get too ignorant. It keeps you real. agri rose macaskie.