this is a basic question pertaining to contour swales/paths
for example, i know that if you take a slightly sloping hillside that meanders and want to dig a
swale on contour, you can walk around with an A frame or laser level and mark the natural contour lines, dig the swale and
berm the soil. using this approach, nature would decide the pattern/direction of the swale (i think this is correct at least)
so my question is, if i wanted to just put in my own design of a raised keyhole
garden bed out my front door, but wanted the path to be on contour, that would work the same as previously described, correct? i mean, the contour path would slow the
water down just like a normal swale and berm would, id just have to make sure the swales/paths AND beds (berm) were level and there was a spillway somewhere so the beds dont get flooded? i would also fill the paths/swales with mulch, as well as the garden beds.
to take that one step further, couldnt i double down on the swale and not only dig contour paths on the inside of the raised keyhole bed, but also along the outside of the beds, to act as double water infiltration for my veggies?
hope this question makes sense. thank you so much for enlightening me.