So a couple of days ago, I hear some unusual squawking from the
chicken tractor and I go to investigate. One of my Barred Rocks is lame on one side, can't stand up on that leg, and the wing on that side is drooping. Thinking it might have taken a hard fall off of the roost, I decided to just observe. This is a young bird, not more than 2 years old. Next morning, bird is not much improved, but can hop on one leg and keep the other
chickens from getting her scratch
feed by laying on top of it and pecking. So by this time, I'm thinking it wasn't a fall, but maybe the bird has a neurological problem -- can
chickens have strokes? I guess anything with a brain (even if it is a chicken size brain) and a circulatory system can have something go haywire. I don't want to give up and put the bird in the stew pot, she is a good egg layer. Even through all this she is still laying, although on the ground, because she can't jump up to the nest box.
This morning, bird was pretty much like yesterday, no worse, but no better. Then I came up with an idea -- natto! I had 3 little single servings of natto in the freezer and wondered if nattokinase would work on chickens. I know it's been three days or so,
should I have thought of this earlier, would it work on neurological damage or a clot after this length of time? So I tried it, a dose of one teaspoon of natto beans this morning, one hand feeding the lame chicken and the other hand shooing the others away. A few hours later and chicken is noticeably better! Knowing that the chicken digestive system is much faster than the human one, I'm thinking maybe I need to give it more often. For humans, natto persists for about 24 hours in the system, but it usually doesn't take more that a couple or three doses for the nattokinase to do its clot busting magic.
Any comments? Have I lost it completely?