I was asking because my sow farrowed yesterday in the pasture and the babies weren't staying together! Some were wandering off to dip in the mud, some were seeking shade under large-leafed weeds, some were next to the fence in the shade. Then it got cold and started to rain and tho I thought there were 7 I could only find 6! 2 were under the edge of the swimming pool, 1 was by the fence (very still and cold!), 3 were buried in the nest, and 1 I never did find, tho I looked everywhere I could think! The mother was distressed because she was calling them and they weren't answering or coming so I went in and started taking them to her as I found them, which she was happy with, tho they got me very muddy!
This morning all 7 were in the nest, staying together, and looking lively.
Some biologist did a study where he dipped baby rats in cold
water and found that the grew to a larger adult size than their litter mates who weren't chilled as babies. So maybe getting chilled in a cool rain will make my pigs grow bigger? LOL!