Well, I suppose there is no hiding from all of that.
I've been running on-line forums for over 20 years. 95% of all forums devolve into one of two things:
1) fluff fest - lots of chit chat and zero substance
2) flame wars - six people in asbestos suits flaming each other while the 20,000 other people leave.
Discussion about
politics or religion is like planting seeds for #2. And whenever I start to delete that sort of thing (or, as I like call it: choose to not publish it) then folks get mad at me for being a
So .... I'm trying to stay on this path of the 5% and constantly do teeny tiny pruning chores so that my tree doesn't grow into #1 or #2.
I think a teeny tiny bit of talking about gub'mint stuff cannot be avoided. And ... I think creating a forum for it would make a breeding ground for pruning work and for people to hate my guts when I delete stuff.
My innards are uneasy at this whole line of thinking.