I am working my way to a paddock shift system, but wanted to share our current setup in case people wanted to see a
chicken tractor setup that works well. I know Paul isn't keen on
chicken tractors, but this system works really well for us and I think the
chickens thrive in it. We let the chickens out every now and then, but we give each chicken at least 10 square feet while in these. We have had a few losses over the years to predators, but generally pretty good.
This is version 4.0
tractor can be moved by most people, there is a hatch to easily access the food and let the chickens walk in and out, We have a hanging waterer, roost bars at different levels inside. It gets moved every day. In the summer we flip the tarp to the silver side to reflect the heat (and run it in the shade), in winter we flip it to absorb the heat. In this method they get new food and ground every day, I have never seen the chicken
poop build up and in three years I have done about an hour of cleaning in this thing.
We are in Charlotte, NC so we run them in this year round.