Hi Donnalda:
I'm in a similar climate here in Phoenix, AZ.
I admire your use of tires and palm fronds. We get a lot of both here in a desert
city. Our city green waste recycling doesn't even accept palm debris - piffle. I do know several folks who use them like shade cloth over the top of their veggie beds in the middle of summer.
As for tires - quite frankly I'm surprised they're working so well for you. I would think that they would heat up pretty severely in the summer being black. Do you
water frequently? Do they take more water than other beds? I did use tires one year for potatoes but that didn't work well for me. I found that even with lots of mulch, I was still watering more than in my other, sunken beds.
There is a tire garden here in Phoenix.
http://www.communitytiregarden.org/Home.html They seem to have solved some of their problems by painting the tires white to reflect heat/light. However, they are still above ground which I would assume would drain water away from the plants more quickly than in ground beds. From my
experience here, my two raised beds (which I keep simply for experimenting and show-and-tell) get drier, faster and the soil compacts more readily as well.
Would love to see your garden progress over time and hear your input and thoughts.
Jen in Phoenix